Desi Beauty Experts review Fenty Beauty by Rihanna
Were you wondering if you should check out Rihanna's Fenty Beauty line as a brown Millennial? Desi Beauty Experts weigh in and it looks like we have a winner. Overwhelmingly, our relatable experts agree Fenty Beauty's foundation not only matches their skin perfectly, but the texture is unlike any other foundation.
Check out seven of our favorite reviews by our sisters, Arshia Moorjani, Deepicam, Limitless bwl, Kaushal Beauty, Sharifa Easmin Kabir, MrJovitaGeorge, and AnchalMUA. Yes, we literally fell down a whole of reviews and watched all of them! We love you ladies!
Arshia Moorjani
Limitless bwl
Kaushal Beauty
Sharifa Easmin-Kabir